Should you spend money on cosmestics containing collagen?


A few years ago, very few people knew what collagen was. Then the wave of new trends and styles, especially under the exaggerated advertising, made people too familiar with collagen. From foods, drinks containing collagen, collagen supplements and more “heavy” injections of collagen … People think that when collagen is deficient due to age, the best way is to “mobilize” collagen from outside. From high-end to affordable, you can easily find collagen in cosmetics in any market segment.


In fact, collagen acts as a glue that connects cells under the skin, giving the skin a smooth and firm appearance. However, from the age of 20 onwards, our skin begins to limit the production of collagen, causing sagging skin and signs of aging. Therefore, many cosmetic companies have launched products containing collagen with promises to help “rejuvenate” the skin.


However, Dr. Hayley Goldbach, a resident physician at UCLA’s dermatology department (Los Angeles) confirmed: “The collagen molecules are too large for the skin, even when they are broken down into hydrolyzed collagen, there is not much evidence of their effects. They will make your skin look healthier because of their simple moisturizing ability.”


In addition, there is no significant study showing that using collagen in cosmetics stimulates the natural collagen production of the body, or has the ability to make the skin more elastic in the area where cosmetics are applied. For topical products, even if they meet quality standards, they can still cause skin allergies. Especially, if you apply collagen incorrectly, not suitable for your body type, or use poor quality products, you may have complications such as skin infection or allergic dermatitis. Don’t waste money on Collagen products

Do not waste money on Collagen products


 Besides, some studies suggest that you should be careful with the origin of collagen in cosmetics. Currently, the main source of collagen in cosmetics comes from animal sources (pig skin, beef tendon), seafood (fish scales and skin), or plant sources (synthesized by bacteria in the laboratory). For collagen from animal sources, there is a risk of transmitting diseases from farm animals from farms that do not meet sanitary standards. Collagen from fish is said to cause irritation to people who are allergic to seafood.


Instead of products containing collagen, dermatologists advise women to diligently use sunscreen every day and build a healthy lifestyle to help protect the skin optimally. In addition, Dr. Hayley Goldbach also advises you to use topical products containing retinol or skin care products containing vitamin C, antioxidants or hyaluronic acid also have the effect of nourishing the skin and limiting signs of aging.

3 cosmetic choices to rejuvenate your skin that you can replace with collagen cosmetics are:

Cosmetics containing peptides: Basically, collagen is a type of protein. Protein, when “torn” into small pieces, becomes short amino acid chains (amino acids are the smallest unit of protein). The small size of peptides makes it easy to be absorbed by the skin. Therefore, the effect of cosmetics containing peptides is different from normal collagen in cosmetics.

Cosmetics containing vitamin C: A 2012 study showed that cosmetics containing the strongest type of vitamin C - L-Ascorbic Acid, at concentrations from 5 to 15%, have been proven to stimulate type I and III collagen production.

 Cosmetics with Retinol/Vitamin A ingredients: Retinol is the best alternative solution. Retinol helps stimulate collagen production and helps regenerate youthful and firm skin. Among the retinol versions on the market, prescription types such as tretinoin or retin-A have the best effect when compared to over-the-counter versions.


< Source: Minh Nguyet_VnEconomy>

